Executive assistant Lorelei saves time with MeetingKing

MeetingKing allows me to better organize my work and therefore I get things done more efficiently.

— Lorelei Gibson, Summer Search

Lorelei Gibson is the Executive Assistant to the CEO of the national organization of Summer Search in San Francisco and works with about 200 colleagues. Previously Lorelei was the Executive Assistant of the CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters for the Bay area chapter for a number of years. That organization has 25 employees and many volunteers.

Big Brothers Big Sisters and Summer Search are both great organizations that mentor low-income youth and help them seek academic and experiential opportunities.

The problem

As an executive assistant, Lorelei needs to prepare and document many meetings. Both Big Brothers Big Sisters and Summer Search have countless Board meetings, Committee meetings, and Staff meetings. Each meeting requires an agenda and has to be summarized in proper meeting minutes.

Trying to document everything in Word and distributing it through emails took a lot of Lorelei’s time, and frankly wasn’t efficient on the receiving end for Board and Staff Members. Even though she had some templates in Word for agendas and minutes, it still meant a lot of manual labor. If a meeting ran late, and Lorelei needed to stay at work typing up minutes, that meant overtime and time she preferred to spend with her newborn baby at home!

big brothers big sister of the bay area

The solution

Looking for an easy way to prepare all these agendas and write the meeting minutes, Lorelei found MeetingKing.

The learning curve was minimal and after watching a few videos, she was comfortable using MeetingKing for all her meetings. For most of the meetings Lorelei uses it by herself, to prepare the agenda, write the minutes and keep track of all tasks. Participants are informed by the email messages she sends directly from the system, and all tasks are nicely outlined for participants to be on the lookout for.

The results

Because preparing the agenda, writing the minutes and managing the tasks is so much more efficient, meetings stay more on track and more gets accomplished. MeetingKing allows Lorelei to better organize her work and therefore she gets things done more efficiently.

Board members, colleagues and team members were pleased and she received great feedback. Reactions included:

  • Lot more efficient
  • Minutes are easier to read
  • Visually pleasing
  • More organized
  • Easier to find things
  • Task tracking keeps meeting attendees accountable for what they say they are going to do.

Since Lorelei started using MeetingKing, other staff started using it as well for their own committee and departmental meetings.

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