Many articles have been written about task management, and recently I came across the article “A bigger To-Do About Everything” in the Wall Street Journal, which I think might be helpful for you.

The key takeaways from this article about effective task management are:

  1. Clear you brain of things to do – write down the tasks and use your brain to think of new tasks.
  2. Be concise when writing down the task, make it an action item, not just a cryptic reminder.
  3. Set a due date, so you actually complete tasks and you do not create a huge backlog.
  4. Create some pressure and anxiety to get things done and enjoy the satisfaction of actually completing tasks.

While MeetingKing started as a meeting agenda and meeting notes tool, the nature of meetings turned it into a fully featured task management tool. MeetingKing is a great application to help you accomplish effective task management.

We realize, however, that you may be using MeetingKing for your agendas and notes and a different task manager for all your tasks. The article mentions Evernote, Google Keep, Trello, Wunderlist, Things 3, but there are hundreds of others as well.

If you are one of those users that uses MeetingKing and another task management tool, we may have a very nice surprise for you in the near future!!!

Happy meetings and happy tasking!

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