Sample Staff Meeting Minutes Template

Do you need to write meeting minutes for your staff meeting? MeetingKing makes it easy, will save you time and you will impress your colleagues.

It was easy to get started with MeetingKing and I needed no instructions on how to work with it. I like how you can just fill in the fields and when you click print it is already formatted.

— Roshni Patel, University of Aberdeen


Sample staff meeting minutes created with MeetingKing

sample staff meeting minutes template
MeetingKing offers many sample meeting templates, including a staff meeting minutes template. You can easily modify the meeting template for your own needs.

Additional benefits

To make writing your meeting minutes (and creating your agenda) really easy, MeetingKing automates all the basic administrative work for you:

  • It copies the list of participants, the date, time and location to your board meeting minutes
  • You can attach documents and other files to the minutes
  • It automatically adds tasks from previous meetings to the task list
  • It formats your meeting minutes (see staff meeting minutes pdf sample)
  • You can send the meeting minutes with one click to all participants

Not ready yet? Download our Free Meeting Minutes Template for Word.