Thank you for helping us reach this great milestone:
More than 100,000 meetings and more than 1 million tasks!
It is very rewarding to know that we are working on a tool that helps so many people around the globe save time and accomplish more.
Help us spread the word, the more users we have, the more we can invest to make MeetingKing even better. Coming up soon: the possibility to download your agenda and minutes in Word DOCX format and the ability to download your tasks in an Excel XLSX file.
About Post Author
Edwin is the former CEO of WinZip Computing as well as VP of sales of the largest electronics and appliances retail chain in The Netherlands and VP of commercial affairs of a large retail chain in Peru. In all these capacities he attended and chaired many meetings and was frustrated by the lack of an integrated tool that followed the entire workflow around meetings from preparing the agenda, writing the minutes to manage tasks. There are many task management tools and note-taking solutions, but nothing covered all stages of a meeting. After leaving WinZip Edwin started Meeting king to help people have more effective meetings.