Turn short meeting notes into powerful minutes!

Turn short meeting notes into powerful minutes!

Do you feel you are wasting time in meetings? Now you can make your face-to-face and virtual meetings more effective with less effort!

Effective meetings have a clear outcome and action plan. MeetingKing helps by automating your documentation. All you have to do is write down short notes, decisions and tasks and MeetingKing will create powerful meeting minutes / summary / report including a task list.

You make short notes….

Take short meeting notes

….MeetingKing creates great minutes

Professional meeting minutes


Who is it for?

  • Businesses
  • Schools
  • Non-profits
  • Towns
  • Churches
  • Clubs
  • Anyone who has meetings!

When should I use it?

  • Great for on-line meetings and face-to-face meetings
  • Use it alone or as a collaboration tool

Does everyone need to have an account?

No, MeetingKing is already effective if only the organizer has an account. Even if you just use it to create your agenda and minutes and email it to the other participants you will save a lot of time over using Microsoft Word or Google Docs in combination with email.

With a FREE account, however, participants can add topics, provide comments and share documents. This and the build-in task manager make MeetingKing a very powerful collaboration tool to run your organization!

What happy users are saying

I swear by MeetingKing. I would rather cancel a meeting than go into one without it.

— Jesse Johns, Centexsystems

Meeting King has been superb. This is a must-have for any meeting minute administrator. Extremely easy to use and customer service is great. Im so glad I found this site!

— Desiree Matthews, Peace Baptist Church, Decatur GA


— James Ross, Promapp.com, New Zealand

I love its simplicity and Focus! Finally a tool to manage my business.

— Rocco Del Greco, RDG Group, an advertising boutique based in New York

MeetingKing is a blessing and a long awaited ally. Allows for true task juggling…without getting hit in the head…(LOL!~)

— James Bush, chrome web store

I love this software and wish I had known about it earlier.

— Lynn Sessa, CTN Group

This is an awesome app!!! Never seen something like this before. Saves you time on reporting minutes, this allows you to go and get the work done without having to write minutes for 1-2 hrs.

— Christian Aguirre, Google Chrome Webstore

You honestly do not realise just how much you invest in meeting administration until its gone

— Aaron Alsweiler, CEO StorMan Software, New Zealand