First of all I would like to thank you for using MeetingKing and for the great feedback you have been sending. You have given us some really good ideas and helped us prioritizing new features and enhancements.

Enhancements to MeetingKing

Daily meeting and task update email
No need to log into MeetingKing in the morning to see what meetings are coming up and what tasks need to be completed. If there are any meetings in the next few days or any tasks (over)due, you will receive an email with a summary of these meetings and tasks.

To make it easy for you, each meeting and task is clickable, as are the names of the task owners. So with one click you are in the meeting, can update a task or ask your colleague about a status update.

Review list of recipients before emailing agenda and minutes
Another frequently requested feature was the possibility to review who receives the agenda and the minutes and the possibility to cc to other recipients. Well now you can. When you click the “Email Agenda” or “Email Minutes” button a dialog gives you the opportunity to modify the list of recipients and even add an additional personal message.

You decide to send a task upon creation, or not

Now when you create a task in your meeting you can check if MeetingKing should email the task owner or not. Just check or uncheck the checkbox next to the save button.

Improved support for including non-MeetingKing account holders

It is now even easier to assign tasks to users that do not have an account and to email them the agenda and the minutes. Of course there are additional benefits if they do sign up for a MeetingKIng account, such as contributing to the agenda, updating tasks, providing comments and attaching deliverables. It is FREE so why not.


Upcoming enhancements

In the very near future we will offer:

*Customizable date format – no more confusion about what is a day and what the month

*Public meeting minutes – easily share the minutes of your (sports)club, School commitee, town council or any other organization with others.

Please continue to send us your feedback!

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