Jun 3, 2013 | How-to and Meeting Tips
If you are interested in having more productive meetings, you may want to read the following blog post on 99u.com on how to run meetings like apple and google. Obviously each company has its own meeting culture, but the basic ingredients are the same for all...
Mar 25, 2013 | How-to and Meeting Tips
It’s not easy changing company policies, or getting people to change their habits, or even introducing new tools into a workplace. People will always talk about how things have changed and the old ways of doing things were so much better, or they might even continue...
Mar 18, 2013 | How-to and Meeting Tips
90% of the data in the world was created in the last two years. What this means to businesses, is that when you need to reach decisions (for example, how to re-design the Facebook Timeline), you have so much information to sort through, that many people have one of...
Feb 28, 2013 | How-to and Meeting Tips, Meetings in the media
At the same time that I, Edwin, wrote yesterday’s post, our marketing guy and and social media guru, Avi Kaye, had his own thoughts on the new Marissa Mayer rule at Yahoo – he doesn’t see working from home as impacting productivity so much as getting...
Feb 27, 2013 | How-to and Meeting Tips, Meetings in the media
I am sure you read about the decision by Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer that employees can no longer work from home. You have to be in the office or can leave the company. There has been a lot of discussion about the pros and cons of working remotely or in the office, so I...
Jan 24, 2013 | How-to and Meeting Tips
Put five monkeys in a cage with a ladder in the middle. Dangle a banana just above the ladder. Every time a monkey tries to climb the ladder to get the banana, spray the other monkeys with jets of freezing cold water. After a while, you’ll see that every monkey that...
Jan 14, 2013 | How-to and Meeting Tips
Yesterday I was trying to schedule a meeting with a client, with very little success. The next few days were fully booked (including Friday) with his meetings, as were Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. We managed to squeeze in a meeting on Wednesday between a business...
Jan 9, 2013 | How-to and Meeting Tips
I’ve been watching more than my fair share of cookery shows on the TV lately, and of course, meetings, and how to make them better, are never really far from my mind. So when I started really paying attention to these things, I noticed that cooking a good meal is just...
Jan 3, 2013 | How-to and Meeting Tips
The New York Knicks (who are first in their division with 21 wins and 8 losses) played the Los Angeles Lakers (who have 13 wins and 14 losses) on Christmas Day. The match promised to be a good one, despite the Lakers record, the New York Knicks were the clear...
Dec 13, 2012 | How-to and Meeting Tips
How many times have you heard the phrase “I HATE MEETINGS”? It can be before a board meeting, a team meeting or a company meeting – the sentiment remains the same. People hate meetings. Meetings are time wasters, meetings are set up by people who don’t...