Management by Walking Around (MBWA)

We live in an age of emails, conference calls and online meetings, so we often forget what business is about. Business is about people. Without your people, you don’t have a business. Pressure for results is high and schedules are tight so we rush from one activity...

How to structure a general management meeting?

What is a general management meeting? General management meetings are probably the most common meetings in many organizations. Whether you run a department, an entire company, a school or a church, you will have meetings with representatives or leaders of all...

Success makes you happy and productive!

Do you sometimes feel that you are just working and not accomplishing anything? New tasks and problems continue to come up, one task goes over into the next and there seems to be no end in sight. I have been using a simple trick for me and my team, that helps us to...

Tips for faster note taking

Switching back and forth between your mouse and the keyboard is annoying and slows you down significantly. Here is a tip to make it much faster: use the tab and enter keys to navigate the note taking page. The tab key moves you to the next most frequently used field...