Manage MeetingKing via your Email

Did you know you can manage MeetingKing with your email? You can create tasks via email, mark tasks complete from your email, provide comments via email and create new topics via email. Most of us spend a lot of time in our email application, and often an email...

New: Sign in with your Microsoft ID

We are proud that we have partnered with Microsoft. You can now use your Microsoft ID to log in into your MeetingKing account. This could be your account, your account or any email address that is associated with a Microsoft Account. No need to...

Software update

Today we will be doing a silent update of our entire server backend software to take advantage of the latest speed improvements and implement the latest security enhancements. We thoroughly tested all functionality to make sure that everything works as usual, but if...

New: lock and archive your meetings

One of the most requested features is the ability to lock a meeting for editing and now you can! MeetingKing is a fantastic tool to work together on the agenda and the minutes of your meetings, but sometimes you may want to limit the ability to update or modify the...

MeetingKing tip: Restore deleted items

Did you accidentally delete a meeting, a topic or a task? No need to panic. MeetingKing includes an undelete/restore function so you can easily correct your mistake and get the deleted information back. At the top of the page in the main blue navigation bar just click...